Cerchiamo uno studente di dottorato in collaborazione tra l'Università del Lussemburgo e l'ENSAM
Dal 14.05.2018 al 31.10.2018
We seek a PhD student jointly between University of Luxembourg and ENSAM.
In Luxembourg, the student will join the Computational and Data Science Doctoral Programme, along with over
40 other candidates from multi-disciplinary backgrounds and a dynamic team of computational mechanics
researchers. In France he/she will enrol in the doctoral school ‘Sciences des Métiers de l'Ingénieur’ of ENSAM,
a leading French engineering school for mechanics, energetics and industrial design; this joint doctorate
agreement allows for delivering of the Luxembourgish and French PhD degrees.
To apply send your CV, a motivation letter and marks records (master degree courses) to:
stephane.bordas@uni.lu, odile.marois@uni.lu